5 Portfolio Websites That Will Blow Up Your Mind
5 portfolios that will take your breath away with the extraordinary designs, UX, and UI they have applied to their portfolios so that they get hired easily and showcase their maximum skills and talent.
Ladies and gentlemen (I mean developers), in this article we are going to go through some mind-bending website portfolios that feel impossible, but indeed these striking portfolio websites were built by some mastermind developers.
The only reason I want to show you these portfolios is due to the lack of motivation some web developers are facing these days, especially since OpenAI released ChatGPT-4, which caused the industry of web development, particularly Frontend developers, to lose inspiration toward web development. All you need to do is tell ChatGPT to build you an amazing website with an appealing UI, and BANG! ChatGPT will build you an entire website in the blink of an eye. This revolutionary AI tool made some developers lose their interest in web development just for the sake of how undemanding it has become.
After exploring these insane portfolios, you’ll find out that comparing any existing AI tool with humankind is like comparing the weight of an ant with the weight of an elephant; it’s beyond comparison. Moreover, it’ll help you retain your lost motivation and encourage you not to give up and to keep enhancing your skills.
No further wasting; let’s start from the beginning…
Dennis’s Portfolio
At number 1, we have Dennis’ portfolio. He built this incredible website with the most focus on its UI (User Interface). The matched colors in his portfolio make this website more dazzling, and his name animated in the hero section of the website with his minimalist picture. The hidden menu with a super dope transition makes it more remarkable.
Scrolling down, in the last section of the website, there are all his other projects horizontally lined up with live displays. Buttons have a magnetic effect when hovering over them, which makes this portfolio unique.
Olivier’s Portfolio
Olivier did it quite differently, though, with minimal design, no fancy transitions, but pretty soft and smooth, which makes it more comfortable and easy to load. To be honest, I really fell in love with his portfolio just due to its simplicity. The tiny little rounded-edge shapes are also animated and interactive with the movements of the cursor.
At the very top, there’s a sticky toggle button that transforms the entire website to a rainbow theme website. I love the black-and-white theme, though.
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Kyson’s Portfolio
This was developed by Kyson, who has worked with some popular companies like Rivian, Tesla, and SolarCity. As has worked with those companies, his portfolio’s design is familiar and looks a lot like Tesla’s or other companies he has worked for official websites.
His portfolio website has a simple design, starting with a splash screen in the beginning that includes his full animated name. He has kept the portfolio simple and free from fancy transitions.
Jantana’s Porfolio
Once more, we have another portfolio full of incredible transitions and animations by Jantana. In the beginning, we have a gradient interactive background, which makes it phenomenal. What I found really extraordinary in his portfolio is the endless scroll behavior, with which you can not only scroll down but also, from the very beginning, scroll up.
Every single thing in his portfolio is unusual; for instance, frame interactivity with a cursor makes it totally unnatural.
Poulos’ Portfolio
This one is kind of a mixture of transitions and simplicity, but I’ll put it in the simple design websites category. Poulos’s portfolio is more like a gallery-view website, full of rounded and colorful shapes with various sizes.
Not having a single color theme makes his portfolio unmatched, and it kind of looks like a mess-up of various colors and distinct-sized shapes.
This was a wrap, I hope you liked the article and portfolios, and make sure to get inspiration from these amazing portfolio websites and don’t give up on your improvement.
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